Store +11 +10 +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2Meteor Soft Seating ChairStore/Seating/Guest/Side ChairsSKU 52444$876.50TAA CompliantTAA ComplientColor SelectionOrigin AlloyOrigin AmethystOrigin AnnattoOrigin EcoOrigin EurekaOrigin IronOrigin JetOrigin MikanOrigin SapphireOrigin SteelDeliveryShip Direct to Site (No Install)Receive, Deliver, Install and Trash Removal (+$50.00)In stockQuantity:1 Add More Add to CartGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsUPC: Meteor Model #927Brand: Via Seating Backrest: cradling back offers comfort and support Seat: upholster comfort seat with velcro for easy cleaning Control mechanisms: 360 degree swivel Bases: matte black Via Seating’s comfort foam: a proprietary blend of high-density, injection-molded, closed-cell, cold-cured comfort foam » 10 grade a color options return-to-center gas lift Fully assembled in box when shipped Show MoreShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itMeteor Soft Seating ChairStore/Seating/Guest/Side Chairs