Store +11 +10 +9 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2Meteor Soft Seating ChairStore/Seating/Guest/Side ChairsSKU 52444$876.50TAA CompliantTAA Complient Color SelectionOrigin Alloy Origin Amethyst Origin Annatto Origin Eco Origin Eureka Origin Iron Origin Jet Origin Mikan Origin Sapphire Origin Steel DeliveryShip Direct to Site (No Install) Receive, Deliver, Install and Trash Removal (+$50.00)In stockQuantity:1 Add More Add to CartGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsUPC: Meteor Model #927Brand: Via Seating Backrest: cradling back offers comfort and support Seat: upholster comfort seat with velcro for easy cleaning Control mechanisms: 360 degree swivel Bases: matte black Via Seating’s comfort foam: a proprietary blend of high-density, injection-molded, closed-cell, cold-cured comfort foam » 10 grade a color options return-to-center gas lift Fully assembled in box when shipped Show MoreShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itMeteor Soft Seating ChairStore/Seating/Guest/Side Chairs